5 New Year’s Resolution Mistakes to Avoid

It’s that time of year again – the time for setting New Year’s Resolutions. If you’re like many people, managing your weight is probably high up on your list of priorities for 2016. In fact, according to some research[1], weight loss is the most common New Year’s resolution!

Unfortunately, setting a resolution is a lot easier than actually meeting it. In fact, studies[2] show that only about 8% of people end up reaching the goals they set.

Why exactly is weight loss so hard? There are a few major reasons. For instance:

  • Losing weight often means changing – or at least adjusting – your eating habits. But habits can be extremely hard to break.
  • It is very easy to eat extra calories, but burning off extra energy takes effort and time
  • There is a large psychological component to eating. It is easy for food to become a coping mechanism, which can make losing weight far more challenging.

All that makes weight loss sound rather daunting, doesn’t it? Fortunately, there’s good news. Reaching your weight goals can be very doable – you just have to approach it the right way!

What exactly is the “right” way? In large part, the right way means avoiding the common mistakes many people make when trying to lose weight. So if you are one of the many people vowing to shed pounds this upcoming year, here are a few things to keep in mind when setting your goals. Avoiding these common mistakes will help you be more successful in achieving the weight you desire.

Mistake #1: Trying to lose weight too fast. Setting a goal to lose 15 lbs by the end of January is likely just setting yourself up for failure. After a couple weeks, you are going to realize that losing that much weight isn’t realistic, and you will probably get discouraged. Besides, even if you do lose a lot of weight at once, studies show that the faster you lose weight, the faster you regain it. Slow, gradual weight loss is actually healthier and more sustainable than trying to lose a lot of weight all at once. Remember: it’s one thing to lose pounds. Keeping the pounds off is something else altogether – and is more important in the long run.

Mistake #2: Trying “fad diets”. What is a fad diet? A fad diet is a diet that gains popularity for a short period of time, but quickly falls out of favor once people realize that it isn’t sustainable. The big problem with fad diets is that, once again, you are setting yourself up for failure. There are indeed some “diets” that will help you lose weight, but the whole idea behind going on a diet is inherently flawed. As soon as you go off the “diet”, you will probably regain the weight you lost, plus more!

Even worse, all of the diets that actually do result in weight loss have been studied. What did researchers find? That these diets were effective only because of “calorie restriction”, meaning not because you are only eating grapefruit, or whatever other insane restriction is being recommended. If you really want to lose weight in a healthy way and keep it off, you have to learn how to actually eat healthy. Despite what many people try to sell you on, there are no shortcuts or quick fixes. (Remember: if it sounds too good to be true, it is.) If you want to look and be healthy, you have to live healthy. There’s a reason my company’s slogan is Better nutrition for a better life.

Mistake #3: Giving up if you don’t see results immediately. A lot of people start making some good lifestyle changes, but because they don’t immediately see the results they want, they give up. These days, we are so used to having advanced technology provide satisfaction with the push of a button that we often forget that the best things in life take time. For instance, if you start eating better and exercising, you may actually find yourself gaining a bit of weight at first because of the added muscle mass. This often makes people feel discouraged, leading them to quit even though they were actually making progress! Always remember that weight loss is a process. It doesn’t always happen as quickly as we would like, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

Mistake #4: Creating “forbidden foods”. Often times when people are trying to lose weight, they decide to cut out their favorite food because they are afraid they will eat too much of it.   Unfortunately, this just makes them crave that food even more! (Ever heard the phrase “forbidden fruit” before? Same principle.) Then they feel bad about the fact they can’t have it and decide to just give up on their “diet”.  It’s like telling a child “No”. The first thing they want to do is the exact thing you told them not to.   In this case, creating a forbidden food also prevents you from having a good relationship with food altogether, because now you have turned food itself into the enemy.

Mistake #5: Thinking you have to starve yourself to lose weight. If you feel like you are starving, you are probably trying to be too restrictive, or else you cut back your portion sizes too fast. That’s not good, because if you restrict your calories to the point you feel starving, it will likely slow your metabolism, which means you will burn fewer calories at rest, thereby making weight loss even more challenging!

If you can avoid these five common mistakes, you’ll find that weight loss is more doable, less stressful…and best of all, more sustainable!

Of course, avoiding these mistakes isn’t necessarily easy. So if you’ve found yourself running into these problems and don’t know what to do about it, I can help! As your nutrition coach, I can help you with everything you need to successfully meet your weight-loss goals. From analyzing your current diet to find areas of improvement to helping you create the perfect meal plan, my weight optimization package could be just what you need to make your New Year’s Resolutions a reality. Call/text 801-815-7301, or email gingerbaileyrd@gmail.com to schedule an initial consultation today!

In the meantime, happy New Year!


[1] http://www.statisticbrain.com/new-years-resolution-statistics/

[2] http://www.statisticbrain.com/new-years-resolution-statistics/

Food Mythbusting: Is soy the silent murderer lurking in your kitchen?

When you hear the word soy, what’s the first thing you think of? I love all types of Asian cuisine, especially Japanese, so my first thought is sushi! A little soy sauce with a nice piece of sushi makes for some very good umami.

Unfortunately, soy has a bit of a bad reputation in some quarters…especially on the internet. In fact, some people claim soy is outright bad for you.

But is there any truth to that? Is soy the murderer lurking in your kitchen? (No, I am not being melodramatic, the claims get that drastic.) Let’s find out in the latest edition of our Food Mythbusting series.

Food Myth #3: Soy causes breast cancer, can lower sperm count in men, can cause thyroid disturbances, and can cause memory problems.

Background: There are many types of soy products, and many of the claims are based on a specific component of soy, so let’s start by learning a bit more about it.

Soy products come from soybeans, which are classified as a legume. (Peanuts and lentils are also examples of legumes.) Soybeans are toxic to humans if consumed raw because they contain a substance called trypsin inhibitors. In order to eat them, they first need to be cooked with some type of a moist-heat cooking method, which destroys the trypsin inhibitors.

Soy products typically are classified as either fermented or non-fermented. Some examples of non-fermented soy products are soy milk, tofu, and soy protein powders. Fermented soy products include, but are not limited to, soy sauce, fermented bean paste (miso), natto (a traditional Japanese food), and tempeh.

Fermentation uses microorganisms to produce or change a chemical product. In this case, it’s used to breakdown some of the complex compounds found in soybeans. I would like to elaborate a bit more on some of these compounds because many of them are at the heart of the health claims involving soy.

science warningThis next part gets a bit technical, so if you are interested in the science behind it all, you will likely enjoy the next section. However, if you’d rather just get to the gist of it, feel free to skip to the Summary section.

The Inner Workings of Soy

Soy contains several complex compounds, including:

  • Phytic Acid (inositol): This is the principle storage form of Phosphorous. It is considered an anti-nutrient because it can chelate and bind several important minerals and prevent them from being absorbed. Fortunately, cooking, soaking, and fermenting breaks the acid down. There is a theory that endogenous lactobacilli (a type of bacteria typically found in the guts of humans) may be enough to neutralize the acid’s effects[1].
  • Isoflavones are substances that act as phytoestrogens in mammals. Phytoestrogens are chemical substances that can act like estrogen, or sometimes have anti-estrogenic effects in the body. Some Isoflavones are considered anti-oxidants[2], which can prevent cancer. Several studies have shown that these can decrease the risk of breast cancer, but only in Asian populations[3]. Other studies in mice have found they can cause abnormalities in the thymic and immune systems[4]. There is also a concern that one of the isoflavones found in soy may contribute to the development of goiters, particularly in those with inadequate Iodine intake[5].
  • Oxalic Acid is an organic compound which can combine with calcium to form calcium oxalate—a known component of kidney stones.

There are some other components of soybeans that are important but not altered by the fermentation process. Alpha-Linoleic Acid (ALA) is an omega 3 fatty acid that is essential for our bodies. Omega 3 fats are considered to be anti-inflammatory. Omega 6 fats are also essential to our bodies. High consumption of omega 6 fats has been linked with several illness[6]. The recommended ratio of omega 3 to Omega 6 is about 1:1, however the American diet tends to be closer to a ratio of 1:16[7]. The ratio of these fats in soybean oil is 1:7. Overall, the fat composition of non-hydrogenated soybean oil is quite healthy.

Soybeans are also high in purines (yet another chemical compound), which people with gout may be sensitive to.

Whew! That was a lot of information, and probably more chemistry than you ever wanted to know. But what does it all mean when it comes to your health?

The Facts

According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, soy formulas are considered safe[8].

And according to the American Cancer Society “studies in humans have not shown harm from eating soy foods.[9]” Studies have also not shown soy to have demonstrable effects on testosterone levels or sperm count in men[10].

An Indonesian study found consumption of tofu was associated with worse memory, but tempeh was actually associated with better memory[11]

Overall, moderate consumption of non-processed soy products are generally deemed safe[12]. (I love that this fits in perfectly with my “moderation in all things” motto.)

Here’s the fact of the matter: consuming soy brings some undoubted health benefits. But there are also some aspects of soy to be cautious of, and some soy products should probably be avoided altogether. I will summarize them below.


  • Raw soybeans are full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein.
  • They contain healthy fats, and some studies have shown that soy can positively affect cholesterol levels.
  • Soy is generally considered a complete source of protein, which is especially important for vegetarians and vegans, who can’t get protein from meat like others do.
  • There is some evidence that soy decreases the risk for breast and prostate cancers[13].


  • People with soy allergies should avoid consuming soy (obviously)
  • Those with thyroid problems taking medication should avoid soy within several hours of taking their medication and may want to limit consumption to no more than 30 mg/day, especially of unfermented soy. This is because of the Isoflavones mentioned earlier.
  • Those with inadequate Iodine intake may want to avoid soy as well. (However, an even better solution would be to correct the low iodine levels. Iodine deficiency in the United States is rather rare due to the iodization of salt).
  • Some people suffering from gout that have found themselves to be sensitive to soy because it contains purines. However, not all people with gout find a low purine diet beneficial.

Soy products to avoid

  • Hydrogenated soybean oils contain trans-fat. There is absolutely nothing good about trans-fat, making this a product to stay away from.
  • Soy supplements—soy isoflavone supplements and soy protein powders with isoflavones in it are not recommended or considered safe.

Verdict: Busted


While high consumption of processed or non-fermented soy products is likely not a good idea, neither is the excessive consumption of most any other food. (If there’s one thing I hope this Mythbusting series has taught you, it’s that excess is the real enemy of healthy eating.)

The fermentation of soy actually improves the amount of nutrients you can get from it. Fermentation also breaks down some of the potentially harmful compounds naturally found in soy. There is not enough solid research to say that soy truly causes cancer, or most of the other health risks the internet tries to claim. For that reason, this myth is busted. Soy is almost always a good thing in your diet…especially fermented soy eaten in moderation.

However, if you are concerned about soy in your diet, or are trying to follow a vegan diet and want to know how to get protein from other sources, I would be happy to help you.

I can confidently say though, that soy it is not a murderer lurking in your kitchen.

With that said, anyone want to get some sushi with me? Seriously, I really feel like sushi now.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phytic_acid

[2] http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jf048552e

[3] http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10549-010-1270-8

[4] http://www.pnas.org/content/99/11/7616.full

[5] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1241182/

[6] https://books.google.com/books?id=_0PWAie_YIkC&pg=PA1#v=onepage&q&f=false

[7] http://www.nutrasource.ca/files/omega_3_chronic_nov2006.pdf

[8] http://jn.nutrition.org/content/134/5/1220S.long

[9] http://www.todaysdietitian.com/newarchives/040113p30.shtml

[10] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19524224

[11] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18583909

[12] http://www.todaysdietitian.com/newarchives/040113p30.shtml

[13] http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/89/4/1155.long



Food Mythbusting: Does Gluten Negatively Affect Your Brain?

Gluten picture copyThe internet is full of scary stories about gluten, many portraying it as some sort of food super-villain. That’s not surprising, considering gluten-related conditions like Celiac disease are on the rise. In fact, Celiac disease is 4 times more common than it was 60 years ago[1]. Researchers still don’t know why that is, but the leading theory is that it has to do with a change in our microbiomes[2], which is the collection of microorganisms that reside in our bodies.  (Spoiler: I’m planning an awesome blog post about this in the near future).

The link between Celiac disease and gluten is well-established…but what about gluten and the brain? Some people believe that gluten is bad for you even if you haven’t been diagnosed with Celiac disease. Some hypothesize that we should avoid gluten altogether because it can negatively affect our brains.

But is there any evidence to support this hypothesis? Let’s find out.

Food Myth #2: Eating gluten causes or can worsen Autism, ADHD, Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

The Facts:

Let’s start by first getting a better understanding of what gluten is. Gluten is a protein that is found in many grain products (namely, wheat, barley, and rye.) It’s what gives elasticity to dough, helps it rise, and gives the final product a nice chewy texture. Gluten, even traces of it, can be found in many of the foods we eat such as salad dressings and even candy bars. There are many important nutrients that can be found in foods that also contain gluten. Because gluten is found in so many foods, eliminating it from your diet completely is no small thing.

Celiac Disease

In people with Celiac disease, ingesting gluten causes the body to start attacking the cells in the small intestine, which can damage them. The villi in the small intestine are what absorb nutrients from the foods we eat, and when they become damaged from this auto-immune response, the person is not able to absorb nutrients properly.[3]   This can lead to malnutrition, which prevents the body from being able to properly produce important neurotransmitters that affect mental function.

In these people, consuming gluten triggers the “adaptive-immune response.” This is the process that creates antibodies. In this case, those antibodies effectively pit the body against itself. The allergic response to response to gluten essentially triggers an inflammatory response, which isn’t good, because inflammation has been found to worsen many medical conditions as well as being painful in and of itself.

There are specific blood tests that can be performed to check for Celiac, but often times a biopsy of the small intestine is required for a firm diagnosis. There is no known cure for this disease, and the main treatment consists of sticking to a strict gluten-free diet.

Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS)

There is also another condition that can be triggered by ingesting gluten called non-celiac gluten sensitivity[4]. In this case, a different part of the immune system is triggered: the innate immune response. In this case, specific antibodies are not formed, but inflammation still occurs. People with a non-celiac gluten sensitivity can often feel sick when ingesting gluten, but it doesn’t cause actual damage to their intestines. There is unfortunately no diagnostic test for this condition, so it can make it more difficult to determine if someone is truly sensitive to gluten, or if their gastrointestinal symptoms are caused by something else.

So that’s the lowdown on gluten. There are some definite benefits to eating gluten, as well as some major risks to your gastrointestinal health if you suffer from Celiac disease. Now let’s look at whether those risks extend to your brain as well. Here are some of the questions my clients in the Salt Lake City area have asked me in the past:

Does gluten cause ADHD?

1 out of 7 children with ADHD were found to have Celiac disease, and a study[5] found that in those with Celiac disease, a gluten-free diet significantly improved their ADHD-related symptoms. However, that is only one study, and the sample size was quite small, which isn’t ideal. As a general rule, it’s not a good idea to draw firm conclusions from a single study with a small sample size.

Therefore, most current research says there is not really proof that eating gluten causes ADHD, but if people who suffer from ADHD have undiagnosed celiac disease, it can make the condition worse. In short, while there may be a correlation between gluten and ADHD, it’s important to remember that correlation does not equal causation.

What about Autism?

A large study done in Sweden found no association between Autism spectrum disorders and Celiac disease[6]. Furthermore, a “well-designed study from Brazil found no statistically demonstrable association between Celiac disease or NCGS and autism spectrum disorder.”[7]

As far as treating Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) with a gluten-free diet, multiple double-blinded trials did not find any benefit to a gluten-free diet when treating autism[8]. Some have suggested that a combination of a gluten-free diet with a casein-free diet may be effective, but a 2008-review of the literature found no real benefit there, either.[9]

That said, a few studies did report some benefit from a gluten-free diet for those with Autism, however there may be some observer bias that can’t be adjusted for. A subset of those with Autism may have a NCGS (non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity) that can’t be diagnosed[10], which may explain why some studies did show some a benefit.

This is a difficult area to study, which is probably why the evidence is not entirely clear. More research is clearly warranted, but the research that does exist hasn’t really shown enough of a benefit to warrant switching to a gluten-free diet as a treatment for ASD. More importantly, there doesn’t seem to be any reason to think that gluten (or Celiac disease) causes Autism.

Does gluten cause or contribute to dementia and Alzheimer’s?

Because non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity causes inflammation, some people hypothesize that it can also cause neuro-inflammation, which may lead to cognitive dysfunction.[11] But that does not mean eating gluten will cause this same response in everyone that eats it.

There can definitely be neurological symptoms present in those with undiagnosed or untreated Celiac disease,[12] however it is likely related to nutritional deficiencies caused by the damage done to the intestines rather than by gluten itself. If a person were to go undiagnosed with Celiac disease for a long time, a more long-lasting nutrient deficiency theoretically has a higher likelihood of causing brain damage. In people without Celiac disease or an NCGS, there is no evidence that eating gluten will cause dementia or Alzheimer’s, and a recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that eating whole grains (including wheat) can actually protect your cognitive function[13].

Whew! We just covered a lot of information, didn’t we? But I hope you’ll agree that it’s an important topic. Because gluten can be found in so many products, and because gluten-related conditions can be so harmful, it’s critical that we educate ourselves on the subject.

So does gluten negatively affect your brain? At the moment, the answer appears to be no. However, more research is required, and there is some correlation between gluten-related diseases and the conditions involving the brain. For that reason, the verdict is…

Verdict: Unlikely, but plausible


For those with diagnosed Celiac disease, eating gluten is clearly not a good idea, and can cause cognitive and behavioral disturbances in large part due to nutritional deficiencies.

Since there is no way to officially diagnose a NCGS, the only way to really determine if you are sensitive to gluten is to eliminate it from your diet and see what happens…which is neither fun or easy. Furthermore, I would not recommend eliminating gluten from your diet without seeing a physician and getting a diagnosis of celiac disease first, and then consulting with a registered dietitian, such as myself, as your diet may become deficient in important nutrients. If you think you may have a NCGS, it is also important to talk with a doctor first before making changes to your diet or it may affect their ability to distinguish true Celiac disease from a NCGS.

If you do not have symptoms of Celiac disease or NCGS, you can continue eating gluten secure in the knowledge that it is not destroying your brain, and in fact may be protecting it. I think we can officially take gluten off the food super-villain list now.

If you have recently been diagnosed with Celiac disease, or are wondering if you are having problems with gluten, and need information on how to follow a gluten-free diet, Salt Lake NutriCoaching can help. I offer a package for those suffering from gastrointestinal complaints. In only an hour, I can:

  • Help you understand why you may be experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms and what nutrition-related steps you can take to relieve them
  • Help you plan a simple, easy-to-follow gluten-free diet that is still delicious and contains all the nutrients you need to stay healthy
  • Provide you with additional educational materials that you can take home with you.

If you mention this article, you can receive 10% off of this package!

Give me a call at 801-815-7301 to find out more!


[1] http://www.mayo.edu/research/discoverys-edge/celiac-disease-rise

[2] http://time.com/3511235/gluten-free-celiac-disease/

[3] https://celiac.org/celiac-disease/what-is-celiac-disease/

[4] http://www.celiaccentral.org/non-celiac-gluten-sensitivity/

[5] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3184556/

[6] http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=1743008

[7] http://www.celiaccentral.org/SiteData/docs/NFCAWebina/9f1795d8ffd82e77/NFCA_Webinar_The%20Gluten-Free%20Link_%20ADHD_Autism_Celiac%20Disease_slides.pdf

[8] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23688532

[9] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18425890

[10] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23688532

[11] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25642988

[12] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15825133

[13] http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/98/5/1263.abstract


Announcing the “Food Mythbusting” Mini-Series

If you were to spend an hour scouring the internet, you could easily be convinced that all foods are mutant super-villains out to kill us, and that all food producers are trying to turn us into brainsugar-2-1466962-640x480-washed minions so they can take over the world.   Okay, maybe it’s not that dramatic, but the media does tend to make it easy to wonder if there are any foods safe to eat other than celery. (I have never come across any evil celery theories. I think most of us actually forget about celery altogether unless we are making soup). So what is actually good for us to eat, and what isn’t?

After many years of nutrition classes, I realized that the vast majority of foods are neither inherently “good” or inherently “bad”. Each food has a different nutrient composition, meaning some foods are more nutrient-dense and therefore should be eaten more frequently, while some foods have less nutritional quality and therefore shouldn’t be eaten as often. But that doesn’t make them necessarily bad.

(One of the few foods I do believe to be outright bad is soda…more on that in a moment.)

During my almost 10 years as a dietitian nutritionist here in Salt Lake City, I’ve learned that the rule of “moderation in all things” is especially important when it comes to foods. Even too much of certain vitamins and minerals can be toxic. Eating healthy is simply a matter of wanting to eat the most healthy foods the most often, and the least healthy foods the least often.

That said, sometimes it’s hard to know what is really healthy and what isn’t, because there is so much misinformation out there. Partially due to the rise of fad diets, many foods have gotten a bad reputation…and it’s often underserved. (For example, some fad diets would have you believe you should avoid carbohydrates like the plague…nonsense!) To combat this trend, I’ve decided to do a series of “mini-articles” to address common food myths and misconceptions.

One of my favorite shows is Mythbusters. I love it because the show usually deals with real-world questions, and try their best to show the actual science or evidence behind the answers. So I decided to structure these mini-articles a bit like the show. I will start with a food myth and then go on to explain if it is busted, confirmed, or plausible, and why. Hopefully you can learn some cool stuff, and enjoy yourself along the way. Above all, I hope you’ll be able to see that you can still enjoy some of your favorite foods while sticking to a balanced, nutritious diet.

Enough talk, let’s check out Myth #1.  (I’ll cover other myths in future articles.)

Food Myth #1: Eating sugar causes diabetes, cancer, cavities, and makes pain worse; therefore sugar is bad and you should almost never eat it.

The Facts:

Many people don’t realize that carbohydrates and sugar are related. Carbohydrates are made up of rings of sugars hooked together in various ways. When we eat carbohydrates, they get broken down and digested back into those rings of sugar. So, carbohydrates are sugars, but some are complex and some are refined. Complex carbohydrates are things like whole grains and fiber. Refined sugars are things like table sugar, high fructose corn syrup, honey, and sugar found in fruit juice. The more refined the sugar, the less work our bodies have to do in order to digest it, and the faster it spikes our blood sugar, which is not a good thing.

Sugar and Diabetes  

Consuming excess amounts of refined sugars, particularly in the form of sugar-sweetened beverages (soda, for example) has been linked with the development of type 2 diabetes.[1] Soda is full of refined sugars, provides practically no nutritional benefit, and has only been found to have adverse effects on our bodies…which is why it finds itself on my very short black list of foods. It should be noted that there are many things that can contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes, like physical fitness, age, and genetics. On the other hand, eating complex sugars in the form of whole grains has not been associated with the development of diabetes, and the fiber contained in those foods can actually help with blood sugar regulation.

Does Sugar Cause Cancer?

The fact of the matter is that sugar is your body’s main source of energy. Our cells actually breakdown sugar to use as energy! On the other hand, tumor cells also use sugar as energy. For this reason, it’s sometimes alleged that eliminating sugar from your diet can help prevent cancer, and eating it will “feed cancer” if it is present. But studies show that eating sugar doesn’t necessarily lead to cancer. Furthermore, if you try to deprive tumor cells of their form of energy, you also deprive healthy cells of the same energy source.[2]  So by trying to prevent one problem, you are actually creating another!

But what about our teeth?

Some people claim that we should never eat sugar because it causes cavities. Here’s the truth: sugar by itself does not cause cavities. Ask any dentist and they’ll tell you that what really happens is that the germs in your mouth use sugar to produce acid. Germs + sugar = Acid. It’s actually the acid that eats holes in your teeth and makes them susceptible to cavities. Brushing and flossing as recommended by your dentist is what prevents cavities, not simply eliminating sugar from your diet.[3] The important thing is to avoid consuming high-sugar foods and then not brushing.

Sugar and pain

Here at Salt Lake NutriCoaching, one of my specialties is helping people with chronic pain issues find easy, affordable ways to manage pain through proper nutrition. One thing I often tell my patients is that eating too much refined sugars causes a release of proteins called cytokines, which promote inflammation.[4] Inflammation is a common cause of pain, particularly in the joints and muscles. On the other hand, complex sugars in the form of whole grains do not cause the same rapid rise in blood sugar levels and therefore do not cause the same cytokine release.  Eating balanced meals, emphasizing complex sugars like whole grains, and including a good source of protein when you eat refined sugars can help prevent the rapid rise in blood sugar level and decrease the cytokine response. This, in turn, can help you manage inflammation and pain.


Sugar is like many other foods: if eaten in excess it is not a good thing, but it’s still an important nutrient that our body needs. Some forms of sugar are better for us than others. Refined sugars, like high fructose corn syrup found in soda and sports drinks, and those found in many desserts, aren’t the best kinds of sugars. Those that come from whole grains and complex carbohydrates are generally healthier choices because they don’t cause the same rise in blood sugar and often contain other vitamins and minerals that our bodies need. In the end, it’s not sugar itself that is the villain. The real enemy is the all-too common habit of eating it in excess.

Verdict: BUSTED

If you have any questions about the appropriate level of sugar in your diet, or how sugar plays a role in reaching your weight goals, managing chronic pain, or dealing with diabetes, please give me a call at 801-815-7301. I would be happy to set up a one-on-one consultation and diet analysis with you. This way you can feel confident that you are eating the right amount of sugar as part of a balanced diet that takes your specific goals and needs into account.


[1] Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Risk of Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/33/11/2477.short

[2] Does Cancer Love Sugar?

[3] Does sugar cause cavities? No…and yes.

[4] What you eat can fuel or cool inflammation, a key driver of heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic conditions.


How to protect against cancer, lower cholesterol, and improve your mood…with pumpkins!

pumpkins-1469712Pumpkins are my favorite part of the fall season. Why? Because, there are so many great things you can do with them! They can be used for crafts, decoration, carving, Halloween fun, and most importantly…eating!  

As a dietitian, I especially love pumpkins because they are packed full of nutrition. Here are some of the many nutritious benefits they contain:

  • Antioxidants. These are substances that prevent cell damage. As a result, antioxidants can protect you from things like cancer or delay the obvious signs of aging. Pumpkins are especially rich in Vitamin A and C, which are strong antioxidants.
  • Fiber. Fiber not only keeps our bowel moving properly, but can help lower cholesterol and keep us full longer…which is a great way to keeps the pounds off, especially during the holiday season!
  • Phytochemicals. These are chemical compounds found in plants. The main phytochemical in pumpkins is carotenoid, which helps enhance immune function and promote proper cell communication. Some preliminary research has shown carotenoid may also favorably affect insulin and glucose levels.
  • Tryptophan. Pumpkin seeds are rich in tryptophan, which increases the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain that makes us feel happy.
  • Potassium is an electrolyte that is often lost when we sweat. Potassium is needed for the proper functioning of muscles. One cup of cooked pumpkin contains more potassium than a banana, which makes pumpkins a great post-workout recovery food.

There are thousands of recipes out there that include pumpkin. The problem is not all of them are very healthy. Don’t get me wrong, I have a recipe for Ginger-spice pumpkin cupcakes (with cream cheese frosting)that is to die for, but as this is a health blog, it’s probably best if we stick to healthier pumpkin-themed foods. The great news is that many of the spices that pair well with pumpkin (i.e. cinnamon, ginger, cloves) have their own awesome health benefits.

To help you enjoy both the great taste and the health benefits that come with pumpkins, check out a few of the recipes below, which I’ve personally developed for clients of Salt Lake NutriCoaching!

Pumpkin SmoothiePumpkin Smoothie nutrition facts

1 C. Ice

1 ½. C Vanilla Frozen Yogurt

2 T Maple Almond Butter

¾ C Canned Pumpkin

¼ tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice

¾ C Unsweetened Cashew Milk

(can use Almond or skim milk if you prefer)

1 T Real Maple Syrup

2 T ground organic flaxseed/sunflower/pumpkin seed mix (optional)

Directions: Combine all ingredients in the blender. Blend until smooth. You can adjust the amount of milk to get to desired thickness.

Since this is a smoothie, it isn’t really necessary to measure ingredients unless you are specifically watching your nutritional intake. You can make whatever substitutions you would like, but the nutritional facts listed here are based on the ingredients that I used. I have included pictures of the items in case you are curious. The store was out of non-fat frozen yogurt, but I have used that before and it would decrease the fat content a bit. I was able to get all the items at the regular grocery store, and didn’t even have to make a trip to the health food store. My kids loved it, and they are picky eaters!

Pumpkin smoothie 6 Pumpkin smoothie 5 Pumpkin smoothie 4 Pumpkin smoothie 3

Pumpkin smoothie 2

Pumpkin smoothie 1











Pumpkin OatmealPumpkin oatmeal nutrition facts

1 C. Oats

1 2/3 C. Water

Dash Salt (optional)

¼ C. Canned Pumpkin

¼ tsp. Pumpkin Pie Spice

1 oz. Pecans

3-4 T Brown Sugar (or other sugar substitute)

Pumpkin oatmeal



(Click to enlarge)



Roasted PumpkinRoasted pumpkin nutrition facts

4 C Fresh Pumpkin

1 T Olive Oil

1 ½ tsp Cinnamon

¼ tsp Ginger

¼ tsp Allspice

1/8 tsp Cumin

2 tsp Lemon juice

Dash Salt

2 T Ginger Syrup

Directions: Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Spray jelly-roll pan with non-stick cooking spray or prepare with parchment paper. Cube the pumpkin. Toss with olive oil and lemon juice. Mix salt and other spices together and toss with the pumpkin.   Pour onto pan and separate pieces. Drizzle with maple syrup. Cook for 30 minutes or until tender.

Roasted pumpkin



(Click to enlarge)

What’s the deal with GMOs?

There has been a raging debate in recent years about GMOs. But what actually is a GMO, and is it as bad for you as some people claim?

The face of evil?

GMO stands for genetically modified organism. This means the organism contains DNA that has been modified in some way, as opposed to being simply left to nature. For example, an organism’s DNA might contain genes that have been artificially inserted, mutated, or deleted.

There are many different types of GMOs, but since I am a dietitian, this article will focus on GMOs in food. GMOs can happen intentionally, when food scientists modify the DNA of a food-producing organism (like a plant or a fruit tree) to make it more resistant to drought, produce more, or contain more nutrients. This can also occur naturally.

Whenever humans start manipulating nature, there is a concern that we will affect something we did not intend. (Witness the amount of zombie apocalypse flicks out there.) There have certainly been times that this very thing has actually occurred. Antibiotics, for example, were a major breakthrough in medicine, and have saved many lives. Unfortunately, they have also contributed to the rise of multi-drug resistant bacteria (a.k.a super bugs). There’s no question that scientific innovations have helped mankind…but the possibility of unintended consequences is always there.

It’s this fear of unintended consequences that make genetically modified food scary to some people. People also tend to fear things that are new and unusual, and genetically modified food seems to fit that bill. As a result, many patients have asked me, “Are GMOs harmful? Can they make me sick?” It’s natural to be wary, and it’s smart to ask these kinds of questions. But is there any rational, scientific basis to these fears?

Most of the evidence out there suggests the answer is no. For one thing, GMOs are not new. In fact, they have been around since about 1994, over 20 years ago! Since their introduction, over 2,000 studies have been performed on them, and no credible studies have shown a negative effect. In fact, GMOs have been studied more extensively than almost any other scientific subject in history. Many, if not most, scientific organizations have proclaimed the safety of genetically modified food. To quote the American Association for the Advancement of Science:

“The science is quite clear: crop improvement by the modern molecular techniques of biotechnology is safe. The World Health Organization, the American Medical Association, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, the British Royal Society, and every other respected organization that has examined the evidence has come to the same conclusion: consuming foods containing ingredients derived from GM crops is no riskier than consuming the same foods containing ingredients from crop plants modified by conventional plant improvement techniques.”

So, is there a reason to worry about them? While more study on the long-term effects of GMOs is needed, there is currently no evidence to show they are dangerous. On the contrary, GMOs have actually had a positive effect on our ability to produce more, higher quality foods.

Of course, none of this means that you need or should eat genetically modified food. If you have any concerns, or oppose GMOs for some other reason, that’s fine! There are alternatives out there. In this day and age, as food labeling becomes more and more prevalent, and as people take more time to educate themselves on what goes into their stomachs, it’s easy to find healthy food that doesn’t come with any question marks.

Which leads me to the main point of this article. As people take more time to educate themselves, they are learning more and more that there are chemicals, additives, and ingredients in our food that can be potentially harmful. For example:

  • Trans-fat—there is so much evidence on the negative effects of trans-fat that the FDA is considering an all-out ban
  • Certain artificial sweeteners—some have been proven to be carcinogenic (they cause cancer)
  • Antibiotics—there is increasing evidence that antibiotics in food are more harmful than we once thought (I’ll cover this in a future article)
  • Hormones—these have been shown to have potentially harmful effects, particularly in children

These are all common things found in our food supply that we should worry far more about than GMOs…because they actually have been proven to be harmful. If you have any questions about these things and how to avoid them, give me a call! I’d be happy to discuss them with you. Through Salt Lake NutriCoaching, I offer meal planning, diet analysis, and grocery store tour services, all designed to help you find food that’s both good to eat and good for you.

In summary, feel free to continue to prepare for the zombie apocalypse – just know that it won’t be caused by GMOs.